This winter is bringing far more winter moisture to the Bristol Bay Region of Alaska over the last two years. This means an increase water run off and water temps that remain cool well in to July. The fish forecast for the Nush is right on par with 2015. With these two elements, we are extremely confident in quality fishing for this summer. As many of you know, the Nush remains the last strong run of Kings in Alaska. If you are looking to tangle with the incredible King Salmon and be able to take home a box of fish, then the Nushagak is it.
Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to start planning your summer trip. Hopefully you have Alaska in your plans and we are here to assist. The most important element of scheduling an Alaska trip of a lifetime is to know what kind of experience you would like to have. In order to ensure your happiness, we encourage you to evaluate what elements are the most important to you. Please consider the following: Type of fish, methods, fish numbers, lodging type, amenities, health of the salmon runs, transportation, and the past experience of your outfitter. Having a full understanding of these elements and what’s most important to you, will greatly assist making sure you get the most of your experience.
Questions? Give us a call or email us at We look forward to working with you in planning the trip of a lifetime. We know how important this is to you and will make sure you get the most of your Alaska experience!